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Hong Kong Pollution Turning Talent Off

Date:2013-01-21 02:43    Publisher:Amos Seah, Singapore    Reader Number:1842

Hong Kong – Hong Kong’s poor air quality could be driving away foreign talent and decreasing its attractiveness as a relocation destination.

While health problems are one concern regarding air pollution, Hong Kong businesses are also affected by the poor air quality, BBC reported.

A 2012 survey by the local American Chamber of Commerce revealed foreign professionals were put off due to the bad air quality.

Christopher Hammerbeck, head of the British Chamber of Commerce, expressed his concern that firms might be driven away from Hong Kong.

“It is a question of competitiveness, because people obviously make comparisons with other cities around Asia, in particular Singapore,” he said.

Talent currently residing in the city are also forced to move out as they look for locations with better air quality.

“My brother left because of the pollution,” Mr Luciw, a resident in the suburban district of Discovery Bay, toldBBC.

On Wednesday, a subsidy programme was launched by Hong Kong’s chief executive Leung Chun-ying to reduce the number of diesel-powered vehicles on the road.